Monday, October 6, 2008


Mom finally got off her keister and entered me in a Hunt Test on Saturday. She told me if i held my point (opposed to flushing my own bird just as mom gets within 2 feet of me) that she would shoot some birds for me and let me retrieve them! SO I was a good girl and held my point....i even let mom flush it and shoot it (altho she missed it) before i took off to bring the bird back. I still don't understand why she has to shoot them because I can bring them back just fine alive.

I got a cool Orange Ribbon and mom said my scores were awesome! All 9's and 1 8! So now i have 1 leg towards my JH. Hopefully we can do a few more HT this fall....but between real hunting and trying to finish my Championship mom said it doesn't leave a lot of weekends, so we may have to wait till spring.

Boy was my dad ticked off when mom took ME out 1st! We could hear him screaming the entire way around the course. Even grandma Sue yelling at him didn't shut him up. He was so mad that when it was his turn he blew mom off big time and got in BIG trouble! He is such a boy, always wanting it his way and to always be 1st. He just has to learn I am the Princess and I go 1st now!!!

We cannot wait for Pheasant Season! Only 2wks to go then we'll be OFF to the Lake for a weekend of BIRDS BIRDS BIRDS!!!!!!

1 comment:

Delilah and Rocket said...

Good job Treasure! Hoo-Ray! Where's the picture of your pretty ribbon?