Sunday, March 29, 2009

Certified Princess Bird Dog!

So i have a little brag to share! I am now a certified princess bird dog!! I got to play with birds again this weekend...and Mom is SO happy! I did good!!!! Saturday it was perfect bird finding weather! I did a good job but just had to grab 1 bird before i got down to business. Hey the bird wasn't sitting still he was running down the road...he just had to be taken out! After that I found my 1st bird and as mom said, had another gorgeous point. I keep saying of course its gorgeous! everything i do is gorgeous. Mom was sad no one got a picture of it....

Mom took me out to play after the HT and she was really upset with me....i told her i didn't have to hold point when no one was judging me! Then she said something about getting me broke before fall...Broke? what the heck is she talking about? Why does she want to break me? I am perfect!!!
So Sunday came and the weather was wet and 1st i was like you want the princess to do what? then i heard the gunfire and was like turn me loose! there are BIRDS calling my name! finally my turn came....I was so excited. Mom whistled me off the line and I was gone! The judges & mom all in unison said WOW...I don't know what got into me but i was outta there! Off hunting for birdies. Mom finally caught up to me as we got to the bird field. By that time i needed water and it was time to really get serious about finding birds. I hunted hard and finally found one. I slammed on point and mom was so happy! I held my point until she started to kick the bird up....the bird went up and off i went! I caught it on the other side of the field and started to bring it back....THEN the bad bird POOPED on my FACE! I was so disgusted! I mean come on princesses do not get pooped on! But mom was so happy! the judge had me hunt for a few more minutes then told mom to leash me up....i was like hey wait! i am not done!
Back at the van Mom had to do one of those embarrassing photos to show everyone the bird poop on my face. I mean come on doesn't she know how I do not want anyone to see me like that....its like geeez i have a reputation to uphold as a Princess!

note the not amused look on my face
Mom did then clean my face off thankfully! Then we went and got my ribbon & my scores!! I had awesome scores 10's & 9's! My average was a 9.5!!! Mom was so happy!! We got our picture taken (will post that later)....Mom says I am now officially Lostcreeks Treasured Journey JH!!!! Hopefully we'll be adding CH in front of my name soon too.

After all the excitement I curled up on the front seat for a much needed beauty rest.

Mom & I decided to hang out and wait for Ms Carol & Che to run. He only needed 1 more pass too. So we took a nap

Then Mom watched Che do a great job in the field and finish his JH too!! WAHOOO!!!! I stayed buried under my blanket in the car with daddy.
It was a good day! other then that damn bird pooping on my face....

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