Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Van

Mom said lots of bad words last night....she has to go van shopping....our van is old and sick:( something about its mission starting to die. I think that's really bad. Our Kenzie is sick too and old....Mom said we have to be very careful with her cuz she has a hard time seeing us and can't hear anything....at least she still likes it when i clean her ears and eyes. I try to be very gentle but sometimes i forget and run into her when we are playing. I always give her kisses and tell her i am sorry for knocking her down.

Fingers crossed moms van shopping goes well....i don't understand why she doesn't like shopping for vans...we love to go shopping normally. Hopefully we get a new Big van

No pictures today, i am just to tired to model for the camera. maybe tomorrow.

1 comment:

Delilah and Rocket said...

Oh big bummer on the van. Yeah, mom swears at her truck too when the lights on the dashboard come on. Good luck. Hope you find a good deal.