Monday, August 18, 2008

Boyz Boyz Boyz....

OH where are the BOYZ! Their surely not here! OH BUT the BIRDZ are! We went out Sunday and played with some birdz! I was SO Happy! Mom was so proud of me, I decided to finally listen to her and hold my point long enough to let her flush the bird...of course then i CHAZED! and brought it back....i mean come on, we can't let this little birdie get away....heck she didn't even hit it when she shot. Mom said IF I hold my point like I am suppose to and not just retrieve my birds that I'll get to do more bird stuff in a few weeks. SO I showed her I COULD point and whoa...5 points! ok 4 - i had to bust in on one...its just to tempting. Why wait for mom to flush and shoot them when I can just point, grab and bring them back alive!

Mom learned her cell phone has video! She tried to video me on point and her flushing the bird, but all she got on video was lots of noise, me panting and oh ya GRASS! hopefully she figures that out soon so everyone can SEE I CAN hold a POINT! But i tell ya its just not fun!

We're off to shows next weekend with Aunt Sue! YEAH!....Then my said I will be "safe" to run with everyone and we can really get down to bird training!

Props to my buddy Rocket! His Mom & Dad got him a new SISTER!!!!! We'll she's older then him but she LOVES to play!!! Can't wait to meet Mz Delilah!!


1 comment:

Delilah and Rocket said...

Thank you for the props. We're all adjusting well over here.

Sorry 'your friend' has come for a visit. Hope its all over soon