Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mean people SUCK!

Well I have been MIA for a few days....and I just have to say Mean People SUCK! SO our van has been having issues...Mom has been shopping for a new one but shopping is hard work. So Friday morning mom goes to leave for work and OMG! our VAN IS GONE! MISSING! I thought it ran away cuz Mom got so mad it earlier in the week....but mom explained it couldn't run away without its SOMEOME STOLE IT! Then I got very upset...all my stuff was still in the van! My Pretty PINK Brand New SHOW LEAD! My PINK Bed, My Pink Princess Blanket :( and My Crate! I am so upset. Now we are vanless....and Mom really has to go out and find a new van. This SUCKS!

My little Brother Brady came to stay with us for a few weeks...his family (who i just love) are on a VACA in Las Vegas! Lucky hoomins they get to have all the fun! He has been a lot of fun to play with, but i get so tired of boyz! can't mom bring home some girls for me to play with. She said next year I might get a sister....and i hope she does! Payton and I need another girl in the house!

Brady loves to play with Ace. Mom shot some videos of them playing this morning. Stupid puppies....Brady doesn't realize he is as big as me...he thinks he is tiny like Ace.

We heard today my Uncle Spark finished his RE title! WAHOO Go SPARK! He is so well educated! Mom said I have to go to school and study really hard to be like Spark.

Spent today just chilln with Kenzie! She doesn't let me cuddle with her much anymore so i take advantage when i can!


Amanda @ Click. The Good News said...

Urgh! I'm so sorry to hear about your van. Sounds like you needed a new one anyway, but all the stuff inside being stolen sounds way worse. Hopefully it will turn up soon with all you goodies inside.

Delilah and Rocket said...

Just awful about the van! and all the contents that were inside. So stressful I'm sure.

Bright side..... you get to pick out a new vehicle! just not the timing you had in mind I'm sure.

LOVE the video! watching puppies play is so addicting.

Kenzie you are such a pretty beagle.